At a global level, based on trade data available in mid-November (including from the US, China and Brazil), container volumes can be expected to grow by 5% in 2014 compared with a year earlier.
This is consistent with the traffic reported by the major lines, thanks largely to information available in the first nine months of the year. The underlying global volume for the third quarter of 2013 was 25% above the level of five years earlier, reflecting a compound growth rate of 4.6%, including the intervening recession. Trade data becoming available over the last month (principally for the third quarter of 2013) is most encouraging in that it indicates the beginning of a recovery.
Estimates for the year to September 2013, show global container trade grew by 4.3% and its forecast for the forthcoming 12 months has increased to 7%, with a strong recovery for Asia-Europe traffic.
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